Monday, July 26, 2010

The Tunnel of love(1958).

The Tunnel of Love( 1958). Romantic comedy based on the Broadway hit by Peter De Vries and Joseph Fields. The Tunnel of Love is best known for the first directorial effort from Gene Kelly in which he didn't also star. Doris Day received a Golden Globe-nomination for Best Actress for her performance.

Augie and Isolde Poole celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary by turning in an application to the Rock-a-Bye adoption agency. Encouraged by their next-door neighbors, Dick and Alice Pepper, who have three children and another due. While waiting news from the agency, Isolde decides that she and Augie should continue to try to have a baby on their own.

One afternoon, Estelle Novick, a beautiful young woman from Rock-a-Bye, visits the Pooles' neighborhood. Having learned of Estelle's presence from other neighbors, Alice takes Isolde home to dress her properly for the interview. When Estelle comes to the Poole's house, Augie is unaware of who she is and has a few drinks.

When Dick comes over and makes a pass at Estelle, she reveals her identity. Reminding the men that Dick is the Pooles reference, Estelle does not accept their apologies and insists that she must report her findings to the agency. Isolde is hurt and goes home with Alice. Dick suggests that Augie might relax if he had an affair and hands him a couple of tranquilizers. Later, Estelle returns to the Pooles home and apologizes for over reacting. She also accepts the drink Augie offered her earlier. Considering Dick's advice, Augie ask Estelle to dinner. While driving into town, Augie panics and takes one of Dick's tranquilizers. Estelle drives him to a motel and checks him into a room to let him sleep off the pills effect.

Will Dick confess the incident with Estelle and ruin their plans for a family?

I thought this was not your usual Doris Day film. I also thought Widmark's role maybe should have gone to Dean Martin.

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